Support Tickets

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Using KubeJS as a direct Java dependency

desync: I want to avoid using JavaScript and want to just directly use KubeJS to remove recipes since it already provides its own framework.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Brewin n Chewin Tipsy stacking and tooltips

Sneezus: Hiya! I've been trying to bridge together Let's Do Vinery and Brewin n Chewin. I've gotten to a point where I've successfully made fluid with fluid registry and added all the recipes for the various wines, but I'm at the point where I'm trying to get them all to apply Brewin n Chewin's "Tipsy" potion effect.

πŸ’¬ 34 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

custom GUIS

Daxz: hi, i want to apply my custom gui. is there a different approach other than using fonts? if not, how can i use a font in kubejs?

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Add a recipe for every item with a specified tag

SageofTurtles: Hello everyone! I apologize for my ignorance, still extremely new to KubeJS, but I'm trying to write a script that will take every item that has a given tag and write a `create:cutting` recipe for it using that tag as the input. (I'm intending this to be an easy way to make cutting recipes as an alternative to using Chipped workbenches, even for items I add to the Chipped tags later on.) Below is the script I was trying, and the error message I'm receiving. I'm sure there is a very simple way to do what I'm attempting, but I haven't the intelligence to figure it out myself.

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

entityjs help

ION: first time doing anything with entities at all, i have no idea what i'm supposed to do, even with the wiki which i'm already struggling to understand. i've only gotten so far by using existing support scripts and parts from said wiki. the ai doesn't seem to be working at all

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

having trouble with gamestages and kubejs

muchis: i am trying to restrict players from accessing certain recipes until they have completed a certain gamestage and i have no idea how to do it

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Dump registry output to file or clipboard

Khazenor: Is there a way to use the `/kubejs dump_registry <registry>` and have the output be dumped into a file (that is not latest.log) or the clipboard? I'm avoiding `/kubejs export` because it lags out my whole computer.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is it possible to overwrite kubejs assets with a resource pack in 1.20.1?

CubeBotFan: It wasn't possible in 1.18.2 and that meant I had to do a janky workaround where items used textures from a non-kubejs namespace with textures defined by a pack in the resource packs folder.

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge/Fabric • 

Asset Folder Structure

Prophetic Eclipse: Utilizing

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Making contact between Mcreator forge mod and kubejs

Zaid Alaraji: So i've edited the mixins of SmithingTable's menu mixin to have access to the result item so i can cancel it for recipes lock purposes but i want to send the `ci (CallbackInfo)` along side with more info like result item, base item, etc to kubejs because all my functions there and cancel the event there

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

barColor colored differently depending on fullness

Lucky56: I'm trying to replicate the create progress bar on incompletely assembled items

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Enchantment that modifies player attribute

Yrythaela: I haven't found anything in this support channel for this and I don't know how to go around doing this. Basically I'd like to make a custom enchantment that modifies a player's attribute, whether it be HP or attack damage

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Custom block/multiblock register doesnt work for some reason

Ghos.ty: it registers some of my kubejs stuff but it doesnt register the recipies for anying or the multiblocks (and yes they work i triple checket it)

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

how to add random attributes to curio items? (1.20.1)

BLU: I am confused on how to make this code work

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

O123456789 incompatibility with dev builds .226+

John: Although the mod name sounds hideous, I am unable to get to launch running either or

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Having some weird issues updating scripts from 1.20.1 to 1.21.1

qwerty97475: Client

πŸ’¬ 23 • 1.21 • Forge • 

How to make inventory.contains ignore NBT data?

BananadaGamer: ignoreNBT does not seem to work, only workaround I found was to add every Damage state possible to the if statement

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How do I fix this?

Mays: I'm not sure why this is happening but some mod recipes just show as a error for some reason. I haven't touch or altered the recipe it just does this.

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.21 • Forge • 

server side vs client side usage

Daxz: just found out about this mod and i cant seem to find info as to if this mod can run server side only? if so is there limitations and which? thank you

πŸ’¬ 28 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

im very new to kubejs and i need to change the harvest level of a block

muchis: thats all i need to do, a blocks default harvest level is iron pickaxe and i want to change it to atleast diamond or better, thank you

πŸ’¬ 48 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Create Mod - Pressing

Alfwiend: This is my current code that i looked around for my needs, and I barelyknow anything about coding or kubejs. How would I fix this?

πŸ’¬ 47 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Checking for item with no NBT data

MuttDud: Howdy ho!

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Give Backpack with Items & Upgrades (Sophisticated Backpacks)

Deosil25: Hey everyone! I hope someone can help me with something I have been struggling with for a while now, I managed to sort somethings out using older posts and Questions (Like giving myself a Backpack) and now its all down to filling the backpack. (Its for a Skyblock like Pack I am working on)

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Block drop not working

Caligator: I am trying to get a block to drop itself when broken normally (correct tool). I currently have a mod that modifies stone types to drop cobble versions of themselves, but would prefer vanilla behavior for stones like granite/diorite/andesite

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Help with converting from 1.18.2 to 1.20.1

Krava (Oxibaros)πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦: Im create minecraft modpack TerraFirmaCraft + Create (1.20.1) for play with my friends. I find KubeJs scripts for TFC and Create compatibility, but its for 1.18.2. I don't know JS and KubeJs, tryed read wiki, but i can't understand some moments, and need help.

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Fluid Flow Distance/Rate Control

Conquest and Death: It would be nice if we had the ability to change how fast a fluid flows outwards and how far the fluid will flow, as to add immersion and add to the "thickness" of a fluid.

πŸ’¬ 2 • Unknown • Forge/Fabric • 

EntityJS change mob biome spawns and height

Aaby: I want help regarding adding mob biome spawns and changing at what height the mob spawns in

πŸ’¬ 37 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Get ISS Spell Rarity for Recipe

Atobá Azul: I'm currently in the process of removing the Alchemist Cauldron on my modpack due to not being able to remove any recipes, and the one thing missing is scroll recycling. How can I do this?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

create mod mixing fluid output

Zeus_32: how do i make fluid result from create mixing on 1.21.1?

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Remove a specific suspicious stew recipe (remove recipe by output with NBT)

NickTTD: So, my original plan was to remove the regeneration (oxeye daisy) suspicious stew, however, I've pretty much given up on trying to specify NBT of my output item and just went for

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

is there a way to identify or compare to the item the player is holding?

svansen_floven1: wanting to convert a stone slab into a transmutation tablet if the player right clicks it while holding a flint in the main hand and a redstone dust (or something, no firm descision yet) in the offhand, was going to use the BlockEvents handler (is that the right word? Idk) just don't know the player object property I am looking for

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Detect when snow melts

UpsideKen: Is there a way to detect when snow (minecraft:snow) melts?

πŸ’¬ 16 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

can you play music when near specific mobs?

LgndTheDredgen: im making a script where music plays when a player is near a certain mob, but idk how to do it and my script doesnt work, cant find any answers about it either

πŸ’¬ 25 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

KubeJS and Hostile Neural

𝑾𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏: Hello, how are you? I wanted to know how I can create and edit a Hostile Neural Networks Data Model with KubeJS. I wanted to edit the Dragon Data Model, to put some other drops of some mob items from other mods. And I also wanted to add my new Data Model, from what I saw, it doesn't necessarily need to use a texture, even if it's just to add it. I used KubeJS's DATA, but the Data Model was completely random and non-existent, it had buggy letters, like an error.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How do I know which event is firing?

SageofTurtles: I'm trying to cancel a specific event when a player holds right-click on a certain part of a block to open a small UI panel. (If you're familiar with the Create mod, it's the same type of thing that happens when you try to change the speed of the Speed Controller using the UI.) Problem is, I can't figure out which event I need to cancel to prevent this UI from being accessible to players. I tried cancelling `event.righClick`, which prevented the player from using a wrench on the block by right-clicking, but the UI was completely unaffected.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

I'm trying to create label to list cobblemon pokemons by types

Amkré: Hello, It's my first attemp to make a Js.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

For each recipe event

Morsuk: Hi! I have been trying to move all recipes from Nuclearcraft to GTCEU machines, but when I run this script i constantly get an error "cannot read property "0" from undefined".

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to make a Mob gain another mob's loot added on to it's own?

Conquest and Death: What I wanna do is basically:

πŸ’¬ 13 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Failing to get specific player data

MarkSDR (Marcos): I need to add slowness when Survive Temperature get over 38, what i'm doing wrong?

πŸ’¬ 14 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Fluid overlay

Arp: Is there a way making a fluid overlay ?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Custom Fluid Flow-Behavior Control?

Conquest and Death: Is it possible to modify the distance a fluid can flow and how fast it flows? Also, how would I give it custom textures for the bucket? How do I animate it?

πŸ’¬ 94 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Tried all mods and work perfectly fine, but whenver i put KubeJS on my modpack with shaders crashes

Anonymous: Using Bliss and when i join my server with the mod it crashes

πŸ’¬ 17 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Add block tag to a block based on if it has a specific item tag

Flyte-less: Apologies in advance if my code sucks or this should be obvious, I know the basic fundamentals of programming but nothing about javascript specifically so I'm kinda flying blind here. Want to add the simple_mounted_storage tag from create to a few modded blocks that are functionally just reskinned barrels, but in the case of farmer's delight, it doesn't have any block tags that uniquely identifies it, just item tags.

πŸ’¬ 24 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

add durability to an item through a recipe

Erse: I am trying to make certain items repairable with create deployer, but i can't find a way to do it in a non-stupid way

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

required tool

Yriokiri | Ping on answer: is there a way to make so that i can mine a certain ore with only a defined pickaxe?

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Custom Sword doesn't work.

Alister: So I've copied this code exactly from the online documentation

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Force recipes to use distinct items

Joni: I have a lot of mods with overlapping recipes that produce distinct items.

πŸ’¬ 10 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Callback for light levels? 1.20.1+

squoshi (@βœ“ - Iron's Spells JS): Light levels are currently a static value in the block builder. Why not make it a callback for things like lamps?

πŸ’¬ 1 • Unknown • Forge/Fabric • 

block note block instrument

Derp: Is it possible at all to change the note block instrument of a block added by kubejs?

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Can I prevent an Item from being enchanted?

Mesrszmit: I'm making a mod pack and decided to install the Cataclysm mod. I'm fine with the OP items as long as they're unenchanted, because then they become ridiculously OP. So I wonder if I can prevent these items from being enchanted, whether it is in an enchanting table or anvil. Is this possible with KubeJS?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is it possible to call a Method from a mod by defining its Java Class?

Traverse Joe: I am trying to use ItemAlchemy's API and set emc using kubejs vs their wild method the class I am trying to use is

πŸ’¬ 135 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

ore generation script

Anonymous: do anyone know how to change ore generation with kubejs ?

πŸ’¬ 17 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Add Attribute Recipe

beanie_cat: I'm looking to see if I can create recipe that adds an attribute to a weapon and that same weapon keeps it's nbt data. Is that possible?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

custom commands

Drago: How do i make a custom command with this version KubeJS 1902.6.2-build.73 (1.19.2 specifically) im having alot of trouble im trying to make a command thats /discord then it displays a message with a link that you can click and ive tried so many different things and it doesnt work

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

How do I delay a command in a custom command?

MrDregs: I'm trying to make it say to the players in a minute, "Server restart begins," but this code, written by me, does not produce a command in a minute, but many times faster.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Modifying a lot of loot tables without typing all out

Penguino: (Using lootjs btw)

πŸ’¬ 40 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to remove every recipe by input only

unknown.gif: Ello! This is pretty much gonna be rlly short for a question, but just so I don't wind up having to copy-paste every single ingredient to remove input wise... is there any way to remove every recipe in one line? I know some commands tend to use a parameter that marks everything (Like how obtaining recipe/achievement can be done using "*" or how effecting all entities can use the "@" parameter), so I wanted to see if Kube added some sort of means for that.

πŸ’¬ 20 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Armor and health value set

Tonji: Is there a way to set player armor and health of all players in the server?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How do i move advancements

Zancmok: i want to move Yung's advancements from Yung tabs to adventure tab

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

custom fluid transparency

Yriokiri | Ping on answer: how do i make a fluid transparent like water? my 2 fluids are dense

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.21 • Forge • 

create pseudo durability for items for each player

DenisKS: # Before telling me to just use normal durability:

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

damaging player when they unequip curios

NotNagato: how do you damage the player when they un equip something i cant find an event on the wiki for something beng unequipped this is to fix a health bug ive encountered with one of my curios items where the extra health stays even though the item has been removed

πŸ’¬ 56 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

I'm trying to make custom potions but I'm finding it hard to find documentation on how to do so

kizo: first, i want to say i am extremely new to using kubejs and it might be plainly pointed somewhere but i'm having a hard time finding it. basically what i'm trying to do is a combined potion that adds two vanilla minecraft effects into one potion.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.21 • Forge • 

How do I create a angel ring with kubeJS?

Diju: Which specif addons do I need?

πŸ’¬ 41 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

does not record revenue

BielzinGl: Message not found

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

.setBlockState() not working

VoxelError: I'm trying to make a server script that makes any campfires you place unlit by default. That way, you have to actually light it before it can be useable. This is the current code:

πŸ’¬ 53 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

KubeJS Create Custom Display Sources

Atobá Azul: I've recently discovered it's fairly easy to register display sources for Create's Display Link. I think it'd be neat if you could easily register those with KJS

πŸ’¬ 1 • Unknown • Forge/Fabric • 

Looking for a simple "player just teleported" event

Wile E One: I am trying to execute a server_script on the player being teleported, but it looks there isn't one, it was removed, or I just can't figure it out. So for example, if I had a waypoint mod and the user clicks a destination and is teleported there, or a scroll that teleports you to your grave, etc. Not for using a portal or ender pearl; just "events.playerTeleported". Thanks.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Crafting table restrictions

Andreas: Im wondering if there is a way to block crafting certain recipes until reached a level, i can only find event for after item been crafted, but not before.

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Working creative flight script --- looking for further suggestions

Kragnoth: ```js

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.21 • Forge • 

after deleting the mod, the console constantly spams errors

ΠΊΠΎΠ·Ρ‹Ρ€ΡŒ: 1.20.1 Forge

πŸ’¬ 10 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Spawning particles on events

Andreas: Need help to spawn particles, and possibly sounds on event.

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.21 • Forge • 

failed to synchronize registry data

Cam: I am trying to join a server i made but it say i need 2001.6.5-build.16 but it also says i have 2001.6.5-build.16 i have tried to install other versions but they all do not work. has anyone else run in to this issue?

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How can I remove the ability to equip certain items?

WiiSafetyManual: There are a few items that can be equipped both in armor slots or in a curios slot, and I want it so that they can only be equipped as a curios. Is this possible with kubejs or would I need to find a different mod?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to rotate custom block models parts

YuriS: I'm trying to rotate a single part of a custom block model given an Speed data inside the block (any movement, not only rotation, by code would be of help)

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Create Storage Block

πŸ”₯SrNadienπŸ”₯™: Create Custom Energy Cell And Custom Chest

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Painter API question

laflemme: ```js

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Can you make Spellbooks from Iron Spells only provide access to their spells while being held?

Kanra (Christopher Poole): This would involve removing the spellbook curio slot, which I think should be possible. Also, currently held spellbooks do not provide their spells to your pool when held in the main or off hand, so that would have to be added functionality. The simplest method would be to treat them the same as other imbued items which is I think where KubeJS can help me (or a more jank solution where you add all the spells on equip and remove all the spells on unequip)

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to do Loot Table additions to all loot tables??

Nax: i've had an ongoing issue ive been trying to fix, but i think it may be impossible. Is there a way to add a loot drop to every available loot table in 1.20.1? im in a server that wants to have numisatics spurs spawn in every dungeon loot table, but i cannot figure out how to add them to the loot tables, without going super granular

πŸ’¬ 27 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Adding transparency to a Kubejs Fuild

βŠ£α“΅1βŠ£α“΅2: Hey I was wondering if it was posable to add transparency to a Fluid to a Kubejs Fluid without needing to give it it's own texture

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

When I try to create a world with Kubejs, Minecraft simply crashes.

Samu2004: Using Neoforge version 21.1.133 for Minecraft 1.21.1

πŸ’¬ 34 • 1.21 • Forge • 

how to change required mining tool level

Everlast: As shown in the picture I added the minecraft tag that would make a block mineable only with a diamond pickaxe. The change appears in the game, but it dosen't make any difference, the block is still mineable with other pickaxes. ( I already tried removing all tags before adding the new one and removing all tags and adding mineable/pickaxe too other than the diamond tag )

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Make script run every X seconds

Tonji: I am wondering if its possible to make the script i am using run every x amount of seconds or even ticks. Every 10 seconds would be sufficient as an example.

πŸ’¬ 30 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Changing a villager profession workstation block

Erse: Is it possible to change the workstation block (POI) for a villager profession with KubeJS? For example anvil instead of smithing table for a smith

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Why does 'player.hurtMarked' do and why is it used to sync client?

Malle Schaap: I just learned that you can addDeltaMovement on a player, but you need to follow it up with ```player.hurtMarked = true``` to sync the client?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Detecting when item is crafted via custom tables (like Uncrafting table from twilightforest)

Zaid Alaraji: I'm trying to find a way or an event to detect when item is crafted/smelted or an item that came from result of a recipe or from result of a container menu

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

is there a way to block certain type of damage

john13210: like prevent a mob from taking drowning damage

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.16.5 • Forge • 

Making certain ores mineable with a custom tool?

Apocip: I would like to make certain ores mineable with a custom-made tool in KubeJS, they're called rose gold tools and I wanted to make the majority of ores mineable except diamond ores and higher with rose gold tools, it's supposed to be below-iron level but I have no idea how to do that exactly and increasing one mining level doesn't really help because it makes diamond ores minable. Any script help is greatly appreciated.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Register keybinds

Jamie: Does anyone know how i can register a keybind that only runs when a specific tool is in hand?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.21 • Forge • 

Creating custom spawnable ores

DylanPlayzz871: I've looked through some of the forums here, but to many to go through. I've been working on creating custom spawnable ores and I can't get it.

πŸ’¬ 26 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Kill the entity 10 seconds after it spawns

DrSigma: There is a certain conflict in the modpack I am currently playing, and when I use the Tendon Whip item from AlexsMobs, which creates several entities in a chain one after the other, which should disappear after hitting a mob, but due to a bug, it just stays in the world.

πŸ’¬ 16 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How do i make a Lava like block?

Antidisestablishmentarianism: Bottom Text

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Locking Recipes for another mod to unlock

Pigfection: I found a skill tree mod which allows recipes to be unlocked however, someone in the server told me I'd have to use kubejs/craft tweaker for adding recipes that can't be crafted immediately. Wondering how I would go about doing that.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

KubeJS TFMG Casting keeps bricking my world.

TheEpicDragonCat: I wanted to make Northstar Martian Steel in the same way you make TFMG Steel. However, the process of casting the steel blocks keeps bricking my worlds. Code is down below, any help at all would be greatly appreciated.

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

add enchantment to an item

Anonymous: self explanatory

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Indefinite furnace fuel?

J.F. Lifesteal: Is it possible to make it so an item indefinitely fuels a furnace without being consumed?

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

Hide Items JEI

ZZiphox: Hello, im having a little trouble hiding items in jei in version 1.21 of minecraft with kubejs

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.21 • Forge • 

create netherrack mixing recipe

chortila: i need help with steampunk modpack recipe: netherrack

πŸ’¬ 14 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How i add the variants with the same id but nbt is different to custom creativetab

ticsea: I'm trying to add item in tetra that id is "tetra: modular_double".

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

someone help with jigsaw blocks

greenapple: i have been trying to make a monolith structure, but its too big and i can only make it with jigsaw blocks but only half of the structure generates,

πŸ’¬ 17 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Showing 100/7432 posts