Support Tickets

This page is still WIP!

How do i disable an ore géneration

gilga: i'm making a mod pack with bigger reactor and other mod that add an uranium ore in the game so i tryed to disable the generation of the biggerreactor:uranium_ore but it didn't worked and i don't understande how to do it propely in the wiki.

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to make a Custom Item with Loot-Table

Blue.PHS: Hi I would like to add a custom item with KubeJS & LootJs which is a loottable with a pool of items that have x% chance of coming out when you right click with the new item.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to make a recipe with a Filled Bucket/Bottle return the intended recipe and Empty Bucket/Bottle

Claustofobia: For example, I want to replace the recipe for ``herbalbrews:milk_coffee`` to use ``farmersdelight:milk_bottle`` instead of a Milk Bucket.

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Create Custom Recipe

Reketer: how to make custom recipe? (mechanical crafting)

πŸ’¬ 35 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to get item's id which with the same tag and traverse them

Star_On_Water: such as create a new repice that combine flower and bonemeal to make the same two flowers

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

is there a way to center text with paint api

DataBunii: I have alot of time in paint and I want it to always look good but is there a way to make sure the numbers stay centered so they don't look off when there 0 or change to double digits

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

ConcurrentModificationException while looping ActiveEffects

Strange1/2: Basically when i drink a honey bottle this shows up but everything works.

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Make item go into funnel PonderJS

Jayquavius: ```js

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Get all enchantment ids, names and possibly desc from the Enchantment Descriptions mod.

Hach: I'm kinda lost since I previously used this thread's code to get the enchantment registry through reflection:

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Custom event

Cosmo: I need help with defining custom event cuz there's nothing on wiki for that. when i try with this code that it doenst even give me the error. i will also put the latest kube js log folder

πŸ’¬ 28 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

idk what to name this, so here we go

NullPointerException: Hi! I want to make a recipe where you can only use the create lava + fan recipe, and not the minecraft blast furnace. How would I do that?

πŸ’¬ 19 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Jade dynamic info

mum's spaghetti: Aight, i got Jade displaying only Mods that are unlocked, but if the Array gets an update, Jade acts weird and stops showing other tooltips than before the Arrayupdate...

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

help with custom commands

Kamelou: Hi, is there a way for me to make a custom command but players arent able to do it only the server. I created a npc and i want to give different type of items but the mod doesnt allow me to do that so i wanna make a custom commands but player wont be able to execute it. can someone help me please

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

"on.Event" Hellpp!!

ΠΠ½Π΄Ρ€ΡŽΡˆΠΊΠ°: [14:05:31] [ERROR] ! Line 5: 'onEvent()' is no longer supported! Read more on wiki:

πŸ’¬ 15 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Help with custom spell animations

vred: How do I add custom casting animations?

πŸ’¬ 170 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

kubejs support question

bad name: Does kubejs support the luckperms plugin in 1.16.5?

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.16.5 • Forge • 

how do i use the pickle block property

Bidon: hi im trying to make a block that bunches up one with the other just like minecraft pickles do i got the models and everything but i dont know how to use the block property to do it and couldnt find any example

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Creating a menu

mo_mo (ping me): Is it possible to create a new menu in KubeJS? I just want a few buttons that perform the `/give` command, and lets say that the menu opens when you right-click with a sword in your hand or something

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Can't remove a fluid recipe?

Rayop: It removes item recipes just fine, is there something special I need to do for fluids?

πŸ’¬ 8 • 1.20.4 • Fabric • 

creating item 1.18 crash?

Sluttifer: ```

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

Dynamic sprite generation based on NBT data

✨Meme Magician✨: An item has two components - one is a glass bell (which may be any dye color or clear), and the other is a windsail (which may be any dye color, default white). I want to dynamically generate a sprite for the item when it is crafted based on the color of the bell and windsail used. I have individual sprites for both the bell and windsail, and the color data is stored as NBT information.

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

custom events

Cosmo: You can write your code in a codeblock by typing it between the codeblock delimiters:

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Spawned entity with setHandItem() ignores nbt given

RQ: ```js

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Remove item to block interaction event

✨Meme Magician✨: Another silly question - my apologies.

πŸ’¬ 19 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Command run server command

NullPointerException: I'm making a command where it kills the player with a death message I hard-code. How would I do that?

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Having trouble creating custom arguments for my command to modify persistent data

PeterTheGM: Message not found

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Please help! How i can delete potion effect from item, like potion, food or beer?

rymusov: I dont know where i can search info about it

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

tinkers construct recipe

|Pvtatomxne|: i want to write a script for tinkers construct so i can cast molten zinc into zinc coins but the script i got from the github isnt working. how do i fix this?

πŸ’¬ 20 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Question about how / if i can use hexcode colors to color text

husband in progress: Q: is it possible to create a neww rarity and give it hex colors or just apply hex colors to the name?

πŸ’¬ 23 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to make item has glowing effect only when monster dropped it

픽셀볡셀: I used LootJS, but it doesn't help...

πŸ’¬ 8 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Waterlogged won't work

Koynax: Hello.

πŸ’¬ 4 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

Schema does not exist

NullPointerException: I'm using ProbeJS, and I wanted to use a schema

πŸ’¬ 32 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Unworking code

Бигмариус: This code used to create an axe with low attack and durability, but I don't know why, this axe actually has parameters like an iron axe/ What is the reason of this bug?

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

ProbeJS Errors?

NullPointerException: So I wanted to do these schema stuff, and VScode is saying no

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

If player has a tag/stage, deal 50% less damage.

TRoss: Is there a way to modify how much damage an entity takes if a player has an example tag of 'weak'?

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

KubeJs but with Farmers Delight

Cosmo: β•°( Ν‘° ΝœΚ– Ν‘° )γ€β”€β”€β˜†:γƒ»οΎŸ˜”°•.˜”°• Many Help •°”˜.•°”˜*

πŸ’¬ 14 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Editing Food items

suploser_: is there a way to edit how much hunger and saturation all food items even modded ones give without out have to manually type every item in

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to disable datapack that comes with a mod

SonoranViking: Hi all! We're building a mod pack and the mod Towns and Towers is generating waystones in villages, despite this feature being turned off in waystone config. That is, the mod doesn't respect the waystone config settings. I was hoping there's a way for KubeJS to override this behavior in Towns and Towers and disable the waystones. There seem to be a datapack in the T&T mod that patches in waystones. What I got so far doesn't work.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

highlight certan blocks and thru walls all client side

NullPointerException: Hello! I am expermenting with some stuff, and I want to know if its possible to do what the title says all on client side

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How can I write a script where breaking X block drops Y item?

tanya: While playing a custom modpack, my friends realized that breaking dirt blocks doesn't drop dirt anymore. Breaking grass blocks still works as intended.

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Utils function for checking what script type a script is in

squoshiα΅α΅˜α΅‡α΅‰α΅ˆ (@): I use utility global variables a lot, especially for logging using Log4J's LogManager because it's neater. I think it would be nice to have something to detect what script type some code is in, but at the same time make sure that it doesn't fail to recognize what script type it is in using global variables, because using a global variable defined in startup scripts in the server or client will think it's also in startup.

πŸ’¬ 7 • Unknown • Forge/Fabric • 

Adding a structure/animals to a another mods world gen

Rynix: The goal is to add new mobs and structures from other mods (AE2, Default Minecraft, etc) to TFC (TerraFirmaCraft) World generation.

πŸ’¬ 4 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Making an item that adds attributes to items

Louai: I was wondering if someone could provide me with an example if possible of an item where if you craft it with an equipment like a weapon or armor, it adds a randomized value of some specified attributes. For example Orb of Protection give armors a random value between 1-20 of generic.armor attribute

πŸ’¬ 29 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

how do i bring back the recipes of a mod after i removed them all?

Creepy_Forest: so i did a bit of an oopsie and i accidentally typed removed all of create's recipes. how do i bring them back

πŸ’¬ 11 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

How to get all NBT from items?

GnomoMuitoLocoπŸ„: I'll try to explain what's going on.

πŸ’¬ 11 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Can't replace input of some computercraft recipes

Flowsen: Recipe is a shaped crafting recipe, but registers itself as some custom type. idk what do 😦

πŸ’¬ 15 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Cause tridents to call lightning on lightning rod hit?

Freedbot: regardless of weather or enchantment. Bonus points though if I can cause increased durability loss if it doesn't have Channeling. I see what I need in EntityJS .onHitBlock, but the documentation examples for projectiles are only for adding new projectiles. All I've got is the basic command for zaping all tridents... πŸ˜›

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Some items are getting renamed while others aren't

Izaworp_: I wrote renames for some items but only some of them are working; looking for a fix

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

[KJS Delight+LootJS] Adding 'secondary drops' to entities killed with knives

Trobador: Hi! I want to modify the loot from Ecologics' coconut crabs so that they'll only drop claws when killed with a knife, to match the behaviour of getting secondary drops from animals killed with knives in FD.

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Making a loot table and calling the resulting item string in a function.

Freedbot: It's for a skyblock pack. If a zombies that is drowned has no items in hand, give it the vanilla loot table chance (or similar) to be holding the items it would if spawned naturally. I have propejs set up properly and added the lootjs and entityjs addons. I'm just not sure how begin to approach any aspect of this.

πŸ’¬ 8 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

I want something that sets all items with durability to invincible unless specified in a black list

Sinn: How would I go about making this?

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

fluid + fluid bucket creation using .color

husband in progress: im trying to create some items but error :p

πŸ’¬ 232 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

help figuring out how to connect to scaling health

DataBunii: i plan to edit the hell out of the difficulty system but i want to pull the player difficulty level every second and reward them currency and stuff like that as well to only enable pvp at a certain difficulty level and id also like to show the players difficulty in the TAB list so others can see who can pvp

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is it possible to retrieve command output and then store it as a variable?

PeterTheGM: Is it by any chance possible to retrieve command output, specifically for scoreboard commands to retrieve a score, and then store the result as a variable? I was thinking I could run commands through either KubeJS or a datapack and then when it runs, store the output into a variable. The main reason being that my modpack's mana system relies on scoreboards due to its easy access through mods like spells and shields and origins. And I'd like to be able to create a mana bar much like how I created a healthbar via the painter. However, in order to do this, I'll need to be able to retrieve scoreboards and store them as variables.

πŸ’¬ 13 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Exporting to file

Kragnoth: I'd like to know all the commands that are useable in recipes server file that let me export to either a text file in the same folder as the kubejs logs, or to chat. I'd like this list so I can reference it at a later date, as I can never find it while searching on here.

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

biome Generation 1.18.2

Tobias: Hello everyone. Im making a modpack that is played in a wasteland with only a handful of biomes that generate with the world. can anyone help me with this? ive tried a lot of different mods/datapacks/configs and so on. a litle help would go a long way.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

Convert Liquid into other block in Nether, for any fluid andany times

ng314: I have wrote this one before, but I have another problem now. I wrote Startup Event that makes when I use certain bucket to place certain fluid, it pops certain Item and replace it into certain block.

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Two different fluids that are the same

molonko: I have two mods, create destroy and create tfmg, there is a kubejs script out there that makes them work together, but removes other things; the only thing I want to do is make it so tfmg:crude_oil_fluid_bucket can work as destroy:crude_oil_bucket in the create destroy mod. How could I do this?

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How can I store a variable inside of the player?

ZeroOne: I'm trying to write a script that stores a variable inside of each player and then runs a command as that player when the variable reaches a certain number.

πŸ’¬ 21 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

set hand to 2 items

Sluttifer: I currently have:

πŸ’¬ 4 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

replacing items not working for everything

BlgMan: I'm trying to make it so that it replaces all the iron in the mekanism mod with steel but it only works for a few of the items but not everything. What should I do?

πŸ’¬ 13 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Huge favor regarding a Lifesteal Mod

Wicked: I know this is a big thing, but can any of you by chance make a fabric version of the lifesteal plugin? Specifically one that lets you easily edit the recipes... Version 1.20.1

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Checking NBT data on an item (for a bag of holding)

Soul: Trying to check information about nbt data on an item, I think I have the `let data` line wrong, but don't know the replacement or use for `getOrCreateNbt`

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Removing custom data

sashafiesta: Is it possible to remove custom data from other mods? I want a way to remove CC:Tweaked lua resources.

πŸ’¬ 19 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Stop TP-ing Through Walls

FSang18: I’ve created a custom command that allows the player to tp an x amount of blocks in the direction they are looking (dependent on a scoreboard value), but the issue I’m finding is that this allows the player to TP into walls. I was wondering if anyone knew what I could do to stop players from going through walls while still going the maximum distance allowed by the command I already have set.

πŸ’¬ 21 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Fluid color Red and Blue is inverted

Nib: Fluid color Red and Blue is inverted

πŸ’¬ 18 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

I try to add veins of immersive engineering

tortue du 77: Hello, as said in the title, I'm trying to add custom veins with KubeJS, I saw that CraftTweaker allows you to do it, so I suppose that kubeJS too but I can't find any documentation on it

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

JsonIO no work

NullPointerException: So I want to use JsonIO to write to a JSON file, and it is not writing to it. The `ItemEvents.foodEaten` is what I'm using. I want to keep track on the most eaten foods (and count of foods) in my server. How do I do that

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Apply item on another item in inventory

Proxwian: Is there any event to detect player right clicked on inventory item with another item?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Farmers Respite brewing recipes

Anonymous: I'm trying to figure out the format to change items in Farmers Respite brewing recipes or to replace items in the recipes. I have croptopia and farmers delight in my pack and I use a replaceinput command to replace farmers delight milk bottle with croptopia milk bottles, but the brewing recipes are still calling on the farmers delight milk bottle.

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Adding/Modifying Existing Trees

jxwi8jdcw: So i've been wondering for a while if there's any way i can create new trees and modify the ones in vanilla, as i'm looking to make their stump harder to break than the rest of the tree. Tried to look at datapacking it, but it seems it's very hard to modify saplings and all, and also the tree generation on the world...

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is there a way to make a custom projectile with kubejs?

NanChik: for example I have sword and if I press right mouse button it shoots projectile where I look and It has model of create:cogwheele

πŸ’¬ 4 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to make custom particles using KubeJS?

vred: I need custom particles <:raha:437759914052419587>

πŸ’¬ 144 • 1.20.1 • Forge/Fabric • 

Modded recipe type isn't detected by KJS and errors out.

Shywizz: An issue regarding both Spelunkery and KJS has been posted

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.19.2 • Fabric • 

KubeJS: How to add effects if i wear a armor

Lord_GX44: Hello,

πŸ’¬ 4 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is there a way to make a liquid "solidify" into a block after a certain amount of time?

Creepy_Forest: So basically I want to make it so that you get concrete blocks from IE by pouring a concrete bucket on the floor and waiting for a bit. Can I make that happen?

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

KubeJs Create: Draining don't work

Lord_GX44: If I drain netherite in my world idon't creative Fluid.

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Trying to make a create crafting item

Vindkaldar: Hey, Im trying to make a create crafting item (I have the addon), It says no errors when I load it but it doesnt show the recipe anymore

πŸ’¬ 21 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is there a fast way to quickly change the break speed for every single block in a mod

TehQuacken: There's a mod called yuushya that adds roughly 1000 blocks but they all don't have a tool that can break them. Is there any way to just make all the blocks break quickly with a pickaxe or your hand without having to tag every single block individually?

πŸ’¬ 5 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

ad astra nasa workbench syntax

Joemama: I can’t figure out what the syntax for adding recipes to the ad astra nasa workbench. Help pls

πŸ’¬ 3 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Script that turns ALL spawners into specifically zombie spawners on worldgen/chunk generation

Masterslash2000: I've been looking through the wiki yet the `BlockEvent.modification` event doesn't seem to be able to change `block.entityData`. Dunno where to go from here.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.16.5 • Forge • 

Tickable BE Attachments

Too Much Mail: I'm looking into adding custom BE attachment types to KubeJS TFC that would require the attachments to tick ([ICalendarTickable](<>) and [IHeatBlock](<>) implementations) and found that there doesn't seem to any way to do this besides asking users to call `#tick()` in their custom tick callback

πŸ’¬ 4 • Unknown • Forge/Fabric • 

Can I Make Certain Blocks Not Allow Fire on Top?

lala: I would like to make it so that obisidian can not be lit on fire at all. Is this something that is technically possible with KubeJs? Any examples?

πŸ’¬ 6 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Is it possible to create a tool that can destroy bedrock and be craftable

planemaker1: so im trying to create a custom tool that can destroy any **ANY** Block in-game and gives it to you with a specific chance, if you didnt got the chance, it just doesnt drop the block... is that possible

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Making a crafting recipe to make an apotheosis item with rarity 'mystic' unbreakable

Alcor: I tried to make some recipe with which I could craft an Apotheosis item and modify the result to add the unbreakable nbt tag. But it seems not to work as I don't know how to specify the ingredient as all items with NBT tag ' rarity:"apotheosis:mystic" '.

πŸ’¬ 1 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to register a food as drink

fireheart3911: Hi, how do i make a custom food have the drinking animation and be recognized by Forge and other mods as a drink?

πŸ’¬ 20 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Run KubeJS code by clicking text

Mango is Me! (Ping when reply): How to execute code by clicking on text, similar to the `Text.of().clickRunCommand(...)` effect.

πŸ’¬ 15 • 1.20.4 • Forge • 

How to remove specific items from chest loot?

AhDeh: Sorry I'm totally new to this, I'm looking for a way to remove spawn eggs in chests. Specifically Apotheosis adds that loot table to the chests when it's under a spawner in the overworld.

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

how can i remove recipes?

leon: How can i remove recipes like for an iron block so it cant be made with 9 iron ingots but can still made back to iron ingots

πŸ’¬ 9 • 1.18.2 • Forge • 

Would it be possible to add the End as a destination in Ad Astra?

BigMartin58: Ad Astra lets you fly to different planets using variously tiered rockets. After you launch, once you get high enough, a UI opens which gives you a list of planetts/destinations. I would like to add the End as a destination as if it were in the rings of Saturn.

πŸ’¬ 13 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

modifyCreativeTab addAfter not working as intended?

new3: ```javascript

πŸ’¬ 8 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Probejs Dump successful, VSC features not working

Neohedron: As described. I was able to dump Probejs no problem in game, but hopping over to VSC, I have no autocompletions at all. I know this has been asked before, but I am working on the Fabric Branch, and the tricks I've seen here for the forge version to fix VSC have not worked for me.

πŸ’¬ 25 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

KubeJS Delight and Custom Loot tables

SourceOfficial: Hello, fellow kjs devs, long time no see.

πŸ’¬ 12 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Tinkers' Construct for 1.19.2???

PotatoBro: When is KubeJS for Tinkers' Construct addon planned to be brought to 1.18+?

πŸ’¬ 7 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Reload Server scripts in a datapack function

jpmv2020: Is it possible? I have this file but it doesn't show up in game (others in the same pack do)

πŸ’¬ 10 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

How to make a dimension with no oxygen?

armet06: Ive added some custom dimensions via datapack and im wondering how i can require a create mod backtank and diving helmet to prevent taking suffocation damage in the dimension?

πŸ’¬ 2 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Hide words or phrases in chat

All-Knowing White Chicken: Any way I can do this client sided?

πŸ’¬ 19 • 1.20.1 • Fabric • 

Trying to replicate the placement behavior of the nether vines

TRMOnline: As said in the title, I'm trying to create a block that behaves in the same way that the twisting vines and weeping vines do when placed. To be more specific, there are two blocks that make up the whole vine, a "vines" block, which represents the tip of the vine, and a "vines_plant" block, which makes up the rest. When the block is placed on it's own, it defaults to the "vines" block, but if there is a "vines" or "vines_plant" block above it, either when placed or when it is updated, it changes to a "vines_plant" block.

πŸ’¬ 13 • 1.20.1 • Forge • 

Custom item that is the same as a ex nihilo crook

ElderGod: Basically I want to add a custom tool that acts as a ex nihilo sequentia crook or hammer.

πŸ’¬ 14 • 1.19.2 • Forge • 

Lightning Conversion: Hurt event looping How should i improve my script?

DemonSlayer112 - [Ping for msg]: I have a idea to introduce zombie horses via lightning striking a normal horse, but the way i done it seems...not efficient.

πŸ’¬ 192 • 1.19.2 • Fabric • 

Showing 100/3420 posts