
This event is used to create new or modify existing translations for a particular language.

#Adding Translations

To add a new translation, retrieve the key to be translated. A key must not have an existing translation.
Below is an example of adding a name to a block without one for U.S. English:
ClientEvents.lang('en_us', event => { // 'en_us' is the name of the U.S. English asset file (assets/mod_id/lang/en_us.json)
  event.add('block.kubejs.newblock', 'New Block')

#Renaming Items, Entities, and More

To modify an existing translation, you can use the methods renameItem, renameBlock, renameEntity, or renameBiome. Instead of using a translation key, the ID of the what you want to change is used.
Below is an example of renaming the vanilla Grass Block item:
ClientEvents.lang('en_us', event => {
  event.renameItem('minecraft:grass_block', 'Turf') // Only changes the name of the ITEM, not the BLOCK
NOTE: Renaming an item, block, entity, or biome DOES NOT change its registry ID.

#Renaming Specific Keys

At the moment, there is no method to change the text translations of an already-translated key using a KubeJS script. Instead, you will have to override the key's existing translation by editing the language of the respective mod using a resource pack.