1.20.1 Worldgen

Adding and removing ores and Changing Worldgen

File Location: Make sure to put it in: kubejs/data/Insert Name OF Mod Here/worldgen/configured_feature/identifier.json
This file needs to contain:
    "type": "minecraft:no_op",
    "config": {}

#All ores

For Example: if we wanted to remove all minecraft ores, we would create ore.json in:
kubejs/data/minecraft/worldgen/configured_feature/ore.json and insert the above code snippet.
Note: the identifier ore removes all minecraft ores
This removes all Minecraft ores.

#Specific Ores:

If we wanted to remove a specific ore it is a similar process.
You can find ores' identifiers here#Data_values).
To remove iron we create a file at this path kubejs/data/minecraft/worldgen/configured_feature/ called ore_iron.json
This JSON file contains the code shown above.


I recommend you check out Misode's Configured Feature Generator (use the preset button on the right to get an idea of some vanilla worldgen) to generate the necessary files.
In order to change a vanilla worldgen feature name the file identifier-of-feature.json
Using a preset you could probably even add your own custom geode.