1.20.1 Worldgen

Adding and removing ores and Changing Worldgen

File Location: Make sure to put it in: kubejs/data/Insert Name OF Mod Here/worldgen/configured_feature/identifier.json
This file needs to contain:
    "type": "minecraft:no_op",
    "config": {}

#All ores

For Example: if we wanted to remove all minecraft ores, we would create ore.json in:
kubejs/data/minecraft/worldgen/configured_feature/ore.json and insert the above code snippet.
Note: the identifier ore removes all minecraft ores
This removes all Minecraft ores.

#Specific Ores:

If we wanted to remove a specific ore it is a similar process.
See https:
To remove iron we create a file at this path kubejs/data/minecraft/worldgen/configured_feature/ called ore_iron.json
This JSON file contains the code shown above.


I recommend you check out https:
In order to change a vanilla worldgen feature name the file identifier-of-feature.json
Using a preset you could probably even add your own custom geode.