Mob Effect Registry
Adding new Mob Effects to the game
You can create custom Mob Effects:
StartupEvents.registry('mob_effect', event => {
event.create('custom_effect') // Create the effect under "kubejs:custom_effect"
.color(0x000000) // Sets the color of the Effect's Particles.
.beneficial() // Categorizes the Effect as Beneficial.
.effectTick((entity, lvl) => { // This useful for reoccurring logic while the entity is under the effect.
// Heal the entity once a second scaled by the effect's level, much like regeneration.
if (entity.age % 20 != 0) return
entity.heal(1 * lvl)
// modifyAttribute is useful to scale an entity's attributes only lasting while under the effect
.modifyAttribute('minecraft:generic.attack_damage', // The attribute to scale
'e0f4e796-3d3d-11ee-be56-0242ac183754',//Some random UUID which serves as the effect's unique instance
1, // The amount to increase/decrease by
"multiply_base" // The operation to perform
effectTick(callback => {})
To see all usable methods, check out LivingEntity.modifyAttribute(attribute, name, number, operation)