Botany Pots

This addon allows you to create crops, soils, and fertilizers for the Botany Pots mod. => {
        'minecraft:candle', // seed item
        ['minecraft:oak_leaves'], // categories that this crop can be planted on
        { block: 'minecraft:candle' }, // display block
            Item.of('minecraft:candle') // item
                .withChance(100) // weight of this entry compared to the others
                .withRolls(1, 2) // the times this loot will be chosen (min, max)
            // for example, when chosen this will give 1 to 2 candles
        10, // growthTicks
        1 // optional, growthModifier - this can be set to 1 in most cases
        'minecraft:oak_leaves', // the item that this soil is attached to
        { block: 'minecraft:oak_leaves' }, // display block
        ['minecraft:oak_leaves'], // categories that this soil provides
        100, // growth ticks that this soil will provide, set to -1 for no modifier
        0.5 // optional, growth modifier, example: 0.5 means all crops will take half the time
        'minecraft:iron_ingot', // fertilizer item
        10, // min growth ticks applied
        20 // max growth ticks applied
        // ex: 10 to 20 ticks will be randomly given to the crop

// fired everytime a crop grows
BotanyPotsEvents.onCropGrow(event => {
    // event.random : the random object associated with the event
    // event.crop : a crop object describing the crop grown, use ProbeJS to find the specifics
    // event.originalDrops : an array of items this crop drops
    // event.drops : a writable array that changes the drops of the crop
    console.log([event.random, event.crop, event.originalDrops, event.drops].join(','))