
The custom ContainerMenu event is a startup event.

#For block entities:

StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
    event.create('example_block' /*name can be anything*/, 'block_entity')
        .addSlot(-10, -10) // adds a slot into this x,y position on the texture
        .addSlot(10, 200)
        .loop(builder /*this builder*/=> {
            for(let x = 0; x < 9; x++) {
                for (let y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
                    builder.addSlot(x * 18 /*<- the width of a slot, remember to add this*/, y * 18, x + y * 4, 0)
        .addOutputSlot(118, 118, 0, 0, 1, 'minecraft:smelting') // adds a slot you can't put an item into, but can pull an item from
  		.inputSlotIndices(0) // sets a list of ITEM HANDLER indexes to handle as slotChanged callback input
        .playerInventoryY(100) // marks the start of the player's inventory on the texture
        .tintColor(0xFF00FF00) // a color to tint the whole inventory texture, in hexadecimal [a, r, g, b]
        .progressDrawable(50, 50, new Rectangle(0, 0, 10, 30), 'forge:textures/white.png', 'up', 'energy') // displays an energy bar from the blockentity's FE capability
  		.slotChanged((menu, level, player, itemHandlers) => {'' + player)
        .setBlockEntity('kubejs:example_block') // the block entity type that should open this GUI on right-click

#For any block:

StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
    event.create('grass_block' /*name can be anything*/, 'block')
        /*default parameter set*/
  		.addItemHandler(9) // adds an item handler.
        .setBlock('minecraft:grass_block') // the block that should open this GUI on right-click

#For entities:

StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
    event.create('snow_golem' /*name can be anything*/, 'entity')
        /*default parameter set*/
        .setEntity('minecraft:snow_golem') // the enity type that should open this GUI on right-click

#For completely separate 'basic' GUIs:

StartupEvents.registry('menu', event => {
    event.create('name_here' /*name can be anything*/)
        /*default parameter set*/

#Valid menu types:

  • basic (this is the default)
  • block_entity
  • block
  • entity

#Methods the menu builder supports:

  • addSlot(x, y, slotIndex, containerIndex)
  • addOutputSlot(x, y, slotIndex, inputContainerIndex, outputContainerIndex, recipeType)
  • loop(builder => ...)
  • inputSlotIndices(int[] indexes)
  • tintColor(color)
  • drawable(screenX, screenY, rectangle, textureLocation)
  • progressDrawable(x, y, rectangle, textureLocation, direction, type)
  • fluidDrawable(x, y, rectangle, textureLocation, direction, tankIndex)
  • customDrawable(x, y, rectangle, textureLocation, direction, (menu, screen, drawable, direction) => ...)
  • backroundTexture(texture, rectangle)
  • quickMoveFunc((player, slotIndex, menu) => ... return item)
  • slotChanged((menu, level, player, itemHandler) => ...)
  • validityFunc((player, pos) => ... return boolean)
  • disablePlayerInventory()
  • playerInventoryY(yPos)
  • button(rectangle, textComponent, button => ...)

#Default available types:

  • FUEL

#Default available move directions:

  • UP
  • DOWN
  • LEFT

#Available types:

  • Rectangle(x, y, u ,v)
  • MenuUtils (contains progress(max, current, length) for custom bars)
  • RecipeWrapper (forge IItemHandlerModifiable wrapper for recipes)
  • CraftingWrapper (ScreenJS wrapper class used for crafting recipes)

#Custom Key Binds

ScreenJS can also register custom keybinds!
The custom KeyBind event is a client event.
KeybindEvents.register(event => {
    event.register(new KeyBind('open_menu' /* name */, InputConstants.KEY_G /* key index, opengl spec */, 'screenjs' /* category name */), (action, modifiers /* modifiers as per OpenGL spec */) => {
        if (action == 1) { // action == 1 is PRESS
            Minecraft.instance.gui.setOverlayMessage(Text.string('AAA').yellow(), false) // vanilla method
            MenuScreens.create('kubejs:separate', Minecraft.instance, 1000, Text.string('AAA').yellow()) // opens a GUI container, preferably of type 'basic'
        } else if (action == 0) { // action == 0 is RELEASE
            Minecraft.instance.gui.setOverlayMessage(Text.string('BBB').yellow(), true)
        } else { // action == 2 is REPEAT (after a second of PRESS)
            Minecraft.instance.gui.setOverlayMessage(Text.string('REPEAT').red(), false)
Available methods:
  • register
Available types:
  • KeyBind(name, keyIndex, category)
  • KeyAction(action, modifiers)
  • InputConstants
  • Minecraft (client main class)