Hex Casting

The HexJS addon allows you to fully customize Hexcasting!
This introduction won't go over all the features of HexJS, but will hopefully guide you in the right direction.
You can find all the bindings here, here, and here.

#Introduction: Making a pattern/spell

Making your own hexcasting pattern/spell is a 2 step process.
First, Register the pattern with a name, angle signature, and whether it requires enlightenment and/or triggers the Blind Diversion advancement.
Hexcasting.registerCustomPattern("Testing", "deewde", false, false);
This registered the following pattern with the name "Testing", which does not require enlightenment, not does it trigger the Blind Diversion advancement.
Now for the sake of example, let's make this pattern do the following things:
  • Take the entity at the top of the stack, and turn it into the position 10 blocks above it
  • Set the cost of the pattern to 5 amethyst dust
  • Give the player a one-use cypher to self destruct. (Safely)
// This event triggers whenever any registered pattern is cast
HexcastingEvents.registeredPatternCastEvent((e) => {
    // You could get the stack after checking what pattern it is,
    // but this is more convenient if you're going to have multiple patterns
    let stack = e.getStack();

    // Check if the pattern is the one we registered earlier
    if (e.getPattern().anglesSignature() == "deewde") {
        if (
            stack.length < 1 // If the stack is not long enough
            || !(stack[stack.length - 1] instanceof EntityIota) // Or the top Iota is not an entity
        ) {
            // Schedule the mishap
            e.scheduleMishap("Expected an entity at the top of the stack");
            // And finish the spell
        // Now that we know the pattern which was cast is the one we registered and we have an entity on the top of the stack, we can do the logic.

        // Remove the top iota from the stack and get the entity from it
        let entity = stack.pop().getEntity();

        // Turn the entity into a position 10 blocks above it and add it to the stack
        stack.add(new Vec3Iota(entity.blockPosition().offset(0, 10, 0)));

        // Set the price of the spell to be 5 ametheyst dust (Value is in 10,000s of amtheyst dust)

        // For the cypher, we just want to give the caster a new cypher with the *exact* amount of media needed for the spell, in this case 15.125 dust.
        // The cypher should also contain the angle signatures of the patterns we want it to contain.
                "qaq", // Mind's Reflection
                "aa", // Compass' Purification
                "aqaaq", // Number Literal: 5
                "aawaawaa" // Explode
            ], 151250) // The exact cost of a power 5 explosion (Once again the media amount is in 10,000s of amtheyst dust)

        // And finish the spell (This is mandatory at the end of all code paths where this was the correct pattern)