KubeJS TFMG allows you to create recipes for Create: The Factory Must Grow
You can also go to the GitHub wiki Here
For 1.20.1, you have to use tfmg
And for 1.19.2, you need to use createindustry


Create: TFMG intergration for KubeJS. It allows you to create the current recipes:
  • Casting
  • Coking
  • Distillation
  • Industrial Blasting
  • Polarizing


Code: casting(inputFluid, outputItem[], castingTime)


Code: coking(inputItem, [outputItem, outputFluid], cokingTime)
Coking requires one output item and one output fluid


Code: distillation(inputItem, outputFluid[])

#Industrial Blasting

Code: industrial_blasting(inputItem, outputFluid[])
Output can only have up to two output fluids


Code: polarizing(inputItem, outputItem, energy_amount)
Recipe examples:
ServerEvents.recipes(event => {
    // Casting supports ONE input fluid, up to THREE item outputs.
    // The last argument (the "100" at the end) is processing time in ticks
    // This recipe generates cobblestone from lava in the cast
    event.recipes.tfmg.casting(Fluid.of("minecraft:lava", 1), ["minecraft:cobblestone"], 100)

    // Coking supports ONE input item.
    // NOTE: Second argument must be one item and one fluid. (TFMG thing)
    // The last argument (the "100" at the end) is processing time in ticks
    // This recipe uses mud to create dirt and water
    event.recipes.tfmg.coking("minecraft:mud", ["minecraft:dirt", Fluid.of("minecraft:water", 5)], 100)

    // Distillation supports ONE input item, and up to 6 output fluids.
    // This example uses 500 mB of water to create 400 mB of water and 100 mB of lava
    event.recipes.tfmg.distillation(Fluid.of("minecraft:water", 500), [Fluid.of("minecraft:water", 400), Fluid.of("minecraft:lava", 100)])

    // Industrial Blasting supports ONE input item, and up to TWO fluid outputs.
    // This example uses dirt to make 300mB of water and 200mB of lava
    event.recipes.tfmg.industrial_blasting("minecraft:dirt", [Fluid.of("minecraft:water", 300), Fluid.of("minecraft:lava", 200)], 1)

    // Polarizing supports ONE input item, and ONE output item.
    // NOTE: Third argument is the amount of FE (energy) the recipe needs/uses
    // This example makes one mud from dirt with 400 FE
    event.recipes.tfmg.polarizing("minecraft:dirt", "minecraft:mud", 400)